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Market Mover Array Report: Service Virtualization


voke_Market_Mover_Array_Service_Virtualization_2018_thumbService virtualization is a powerful, proven, and collaborative technology that enables software engineering teams to more accurately model the real-life behavior of software prior to production. By removing the constraints and wait time for assets to be complete and available, service virtualization solutions deliver on the promise of better business outcomes. Your teams can work faster, release more reliable software, and delight the business.

In addition to detailing the benefits of service virtualization, this report goes on to provide analysis of six market moving vendors in the service virtualization market:

CA Technologies | IBM | MicroFocus | Parasoft | SmartBear | Tricentis

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Need to educate others about service virtualization?  Check out this IT Superhero book!



Market Mover Array Report: Lifecycle Virtualization

As the line of business demands accelerated time-to-market and high-quality software, teams must use proven solutions to deliver better business outcomes through software. 

This report highlights the need to bring virtualization technology to the pre-production portion of the software lifecycle to provide developers and testers with production-like environments on-demand. By incorporating lifecycle virtualization solutions into your software lifecycle, you will help protect your brand and your business.

The five technologies highlighted in the report include:

  • Virtual and cloud-based labs
  • Service virtualization
  • Defect virtualization
  • Test data virtualization
  • Network virtualization

Additionally, read detailed analysis about about the following Market Movers:


  • appOrbit
  • CA Technologies
  • Delphix
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
  • IBM
  • Microsoft
  • Neotys
  • Parasoft
  • Skytap
  • Tricentis

Purchase on-demand access for individual, non-commercial use or contact voke to inquire about a reprint license for commercial use.

Interested in reading other voke Market Mover Array reports? Find more.

Impact Notes

Impact_Note_Neotys_ImageWe live in a fast-paced world where people are constantly pressed for time. And we expect our content to be delivered in easily digestible formats.

To help you succeed, voke is now offering voke Impact™ Note—a new shorter report format that is intended to be brief, easy to read and impactful. Each Impact Note includes a short overview about a market need paired with a unique value proposition or best practice tip from an application lifecycle vendor.

Topics include:


Solution Snapshot Reports

Read voke's analysis on specific products and solutions.

voke_solution_snapshot_hp_service_virtualization_largeReports available for on-demand purchase:





Companies to Watch

  • Compare the market moving vendors: CA, IBM, MicroFocus, Parasoft, SmartBear, and Tricentis in voke's service virtualization research!
  • Need to test faster with service virtualization? Compare the market moving vendors: CA, IBM, MicroFocus, Parasoft, SmartBear, and Tricentis in the Market Mover Array!
  • Take a proactive approach to IT security. Download voke's Impact Note on Bromium.
  • Listen to Parasoft and voke discuss continuous testing, service virtualization, and the new role of testers in this video.

All Research by Vendor

Accenture AccuRev Agilent Technologies Altair Global Relocation Amazon AMD Anritsu Ansible Apica Apple Applitools AppOrbit Armorize Technologies Atlassian Atos Automic AutonomIQ Black Duck Software Blueprint BlueStripe BMC Boeing Borland Bromium Capgemini CAST CA Technologies Cenzic Chef Cigital Cigniti Cingular Cisco Citrix CloudShare Cognizant CollabNet Comcast Compuware Configuresoft CorTechs Coverity CSC Dell Delphix Doyenz EDS ElasticBox Electric Cloud EMC Empirix Encirq EPAM EXFO Experitest ExtraHop Fanfare Fortify Functionize Google Green Hat Hewlett Packard Enterprise Hitachi HP Hudson Software HyPerformix IBM Incipient Infosys Intel IRise ITKO Ixia JDSU Jenkins JetBrains Keynote DeviceAnywhere Klocwork Krugle Kuka Controls LANDESK Mabl McAfee Mercury Mesosphere Micro Focus Microsoft Mindreef MKS Mobile Labs Motorola MRV MValent Neotys NetApp Netuitive Novell Octopus Deploy OnPath OpenMake Oracle Orasi Original Software Ounce Labs Parasoft Perfecto Mobile PERFORCE Philips Semiconductors Plutora PTC Puppet QMetry QualiSystems Quest Software QuikCycle Rackspace Ravello Systems Ravenflow Red Hat Replay Solutions RightScale Rohde RTTS Salesforce.com SAP Satyam Secure Software Security Innovation Serena ServiceNow Shunra Sky IT Group Skytap SmartBear Smiths Aerospace SOASTA Sogeti Solstice Software Sony SPI Dynamics Spirent Splunk SQE SQS Streamstep Sun Microsystems Surgient Symantec Tanium Tasktop Technologies TCS Telelogic ThoughtWorks Studios TiVo Tomos TRICENTIS Tripwire Trolltech Unisys Urbancode UTest Veracode VisibleThread VMLogix VMware Voke Vyatta Watchfire Wind River Wipro Technologies Yahoo Zap Technology Zoompf