Tag Results for Wind River — Insight

Premium Content
10 Pages
Following the economic downturn of 2000 to 2003, the Fortune 500 companies that pursued short-term cost-cutting strategies such as outsourcing and rollbacks in quality assurance found themselves ill prepared for future opportunities.  New research suggests that those enterprise organizations that continue to invest in critical IT areas such as software development, virtualization, and core lifecycle solutions will be better positioned for the next cycle of growth and expansion.

Tag Results for Wind River — Reports

Premium Content
76 Pages

This report highlights eight key factors that are driving innovation in the testing market, including mobility, the cloud, embedded software, development testing, infrastructure test optimization (ITO) and lifecycle virtualization.

Organizations can no longer dictate where, when, or how software is used. Workers are mobile, customers are global, and every individual has a preference as to how they want to consume software. Testers must be able to plan for and execute as many combinations and permutations of software and hardware as possible to predict the outcome of software usage. Testing professionals are now in the strategic role of customer advocate and help deliver higher quality software throughout the enterprise by placing a laser focus on assessing the risk associated with every piece of software.

This special report will be available to voke's premium research subscribers and will also be available for individual purchase for a limited time.

Read detailed analysis of the following market moving vendors:

  • Coverity
  • Electric Cloud
  • Experitest
  • HP
  • IBM
  • Keynote DeviceAnywhere
  • Micro Focus
  • Microsoft
  • Parasoft
  • Perfecto Mobile
  • QMetry
  • QualiSystems
  • Replay Solutions
  • SmartBear
  • Spirent
  • Wind River
  • ZAP technologies.com

This report is available for voke's premium research subscribers and on-demand.

Premium Content
15 Pages
Most organizations struggle with the challenges of application and product development and delivery. Lifecycle virtualization fundamentally transforms the lifecycle and eliminates many of the common challenges faced by development and test teams. The stunning success of server virtualization technology in limiting server sprawl, reducing energy consumption, and lowering capital expenditures (CAPEX) raises the question—what can we virtualize next? The answer is almost anything and everything—especially in the lifecycle. Lifecycle virtualization and its associated technologies assist development, test, and operations teams in cutting the Gordian Knot of schedule, cost, and quality.

Premium Content
34 Pages

Today we view the application lifecycle as both the business of software and a market complete with solutions and services from a variety of vendors. Understanding the business of software is critical for all organizations to ensure that the software that runs the business fulfills the brand promise.

This Market Mover Array focuses on where the ALM market is moving. Instead of looking at the past, we will focus on the future and explore vendors’ innovation and technology as well as their marketing ability.

Premium Content
20 Pages
Service providers and network equipment manufacturers are adding automation to their pre-production testing process for a combination of reasons: improved test coverage, accelerated time-to-market for products or services, reduced capital and operational expense, optimized equipment use, reduced training time, greater test collaboration, reduced test backlog, and reuse. All of these automation drivers are intertwined and focus on delivering better quality to the customer. This Market Snapshot will focus on the need for test automation of networks and connected devices, identify a path to automation adoption and provide an overview of where the market is with respect to the right processes, technical skills and technology.

Premium Content
20 Pages
Every market is an ecosystem comprised of people, processes, and technology. The network equipment testing market is growing in complexity. To effectively manage this complexity, the market is focused on reducing time-to-market and testing costs while increasing efficiency and product quality. The network equipment testing market is poised to breakthrough in terms of commercially available technology to assist the people and processes. In this Market Snapshot, we examine the people, processes, and technology of the network equipment testing market.

Tag Results for Wind River — Blog

Premium Content
One of the biggest benefits of going to conferences is coming across new and exciting vendors in the industry. While you are attending the conference and caught up in the excitement, it’s thrilling to find a new gem with innovative and creative ideas, products, and offerings. Last week at the Wind River Worldwide User Conference, I found five exciting “newish” companies and one stalwart with a new twist on things...

One of the unique vendors I encountered at the Wind River Worldwide User Conference was Kuka Controls. The company, among other offerings, makes two products that can really enhance the experience between device software and a traditional Microsoft Windows environment. The two Kuka products with so much to offer in terms of integration are VxWin and CeWin...

The 2006 Wind River Worldwide User Conference concluded today. This conference was edgy. From the ultra-hip urban graphics on everything from signage to hotel room keys to a Phil Gordon hosted poker tournament, Wind River is shaking up a staid and conservative industry...

Do you recall the big vision of a few years ago…the one that said because of connected appliances in your house along with a low cost, pervasive and reliable network, when an appliance begins to fail, a simple message is sent to the appropriate repair person and before you even know your appliance has a problem a fix or patch has been dispensed...


If the information is more of a blog post not a downloadable PDF.  Do I put the post in this summary information?  Or should we use this "read more" link?

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Tag Results for Wind River — News

Tag Results for Wind River — Press Releases

Tag Results for Wind River — Recognition

Organizations can no longer dictate where, when, or how software is used. Workers are mobile, customers are global, and every individual has a preference as to how they want to consume software. As a result, the testing market of the future will not have one dominant vendor; rather the market will be defined by software from testing vendors that is open and integrated with a wide variety of tooling options. Testers must be able to plan for and execute as many combinations and permutations of software and hardware as possible to predict the outcome of software usage. Testing professionals are now in the strategic role of customer advocate and help deliver higher quality software throughout the enterprise by placing a laser focus on assessing the risk associated with every piece of software.

The 2012 Market Mover Array recognizes the following testing platforms vendors:

  • Coverity
  • Electric Cloud
  • Experitest
  • HP
  • IBM
  • Keynote DeviceAnywhere
  • Micro Focus
  • Microsoft
  • Parasoft
  • Perfecto Mobile
  • QualiSystems
  • QMetry
  • Replay Solutions
  • SmartBear
  • Spirent
  • Wind River
  • ZAP technologies.com


Today we view the application lifecycle as both the business of software and a market complete with solutions and services from a variety of vendors. Understanding the business of software is critical for all organizations to ensure that the software that runs the business fulfills the brand promise.

This Market Mover ArrayTM report focuses on where the ALM market is moving. Instead of looking at the past, we will focus on the future and explore vendors’ innovation and technology as well as their marketing ability.

  • HP — defining and expanding the application lifecycle and the necessary link to the line of business
  • IBM — providing a comprehensive lifecycle solution for enterprise IT and systems software solutions
  • Microsoft — organically creating a lifecycle solution for a heterogeneous environment
  • MKS — delivering lifecycle solutions for product engineering teams and IT organizations
  • ThoughtWorks Studios — focusing on making the application lifecycle attainable by all organizations
  • TOMOS — delivering a lightweight and modern cloud solution for the application lifecycle
  • Wind River — delivering a lifecycle solution for software engineering teams of embedded, device, and systems software

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