Tag Results for VMware — Insight

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Since early 2009, Citrix and VMLogix have partnered to include the VMLogix products with Citrix Essentials for the virtual lab component. This acquisition by Citrix will apply virtualization technology throughout the IT organization in a hypervisor neutral environment.

Subscribe Now to read voke's full analysis of this acquisition.

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The publication of the Open Cloud Manifesto is positive.  The Cloud, driven by virtualization, is surfacing at the right time in the market and can advance computing in this generation. 

The concept of “openness” is necessary for innovation to thrive.  Publishing an open view with multiple and varied participants is an example of global lifecycle transformation where organizations work together across boundaries.

IBM, one of the key supporters of the Open Cloud Manifesto, has a long history of advancing collaboration around new technologies.  In the 90’s, IBM attempted collaboration by creating consortium style companies such as Taligent and Kaleida.  In the early part of this century, IBM was the leader of what has transformed in to Eclipse.org.  This appears to be IBM’s attempt to get agreement on the Cloud at various levels.

It is clear that each organization in support of the Open Cloud Manifesto has an agenda based upon the Cloud.  Agreement and discussion among a critical mass is a positive step to advancing Cloud technology.

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Each year we enter into uncertain territory because of existing and previously untested market conditions, however predicting the future, or at least having an understanding of what could happen, is largely predicated on understanding the past and observing the present.   

As the saying goes, history repeats itself.  In 2009, expect to see some stunning developments that are reminiscent of the past as well as out of the box thinking by vendors to continue to thrive in new and different market conditions...

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We started the year with the New England Patriots posting an undefeated regular season record of 16 – 0.  It appeared to be conclusive; the Patriots would win the Super Bowl – not so fast – the wild card New York Giants made an unpredictable and disruptive move by narrowly defeating the favored Patriots.  It was inevitable that the Patriots lose at some point in the season, it just happened to be the last and most important game.

In July, the greatest sporting event, the Tour de France departed with no defending champion for the second consecutive year!  Team Astana, with two of the three podium finishers of the 2007 race appeared to have very good odds of gaining one of the top three spots again.  Surprise! Team Astana was banned and Team CSC with Carlos Sastre and company rode to an unpredictable and disruptive victory.  It was inevitable that the Tour de France could not escape controversy.

Disruption and unpredictability seem to be the prevailing themes for 2008. In a year when radical and unexpected occurrences were commonplace, should technology be any different?  Let’s take a look at the big issues that may have shocked us, but in reality, were inevitable...

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3 Pages
The publication of the VMware whitepaper “Microsoft Virtualization Licensing and Distribution Terms” is a seminal moment in the 21st century computing industry. With the publication of this whitepaper, VMware is no longer just an interesting technology player; they are a bona fide catalyst to challenge Microsoft’s entrenched franchise business of the operating system.

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3 Pages
Applications and their associated management are becoming more difficult yet more business critical. As enterprises watch the rise of complex distributed applications and teams, it is clear a solution to assist managing a constantly changing world must emerge. Virtualization technology is rapidly being deployed to assist these complexity demands. Virtualized environments solve a variety of problems yet introduce others.

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2 Pages
Read the first industry analysis of HP’s acquisition of Mercury.  Given the purchase price is astronomically high one has to wonder what other companies were in the bidding war for Mercury and is Compuware the next independent software company to fall?

Tag Results for VMware — Reports

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37 Pages

Significant threats from hackers are a 24x7x365 reality and the costs of security breaches can be exponential. And, with the adoption of more distributed environments and cloud platforms, these risks are exacerbated. It is critical now more than ever to move from a defensive approach to security to a well-coordinated offensive plan. 

This Market Snapshot report provides real-world data to help organizations justify the investment in operationalizing security through secure operations automation practices and solutions. Operationalizing security through the use of secure operations practices and solutions will help your organization:

  • More effectively and efficiently manage the patch backlog
  • Improve audit readiness
  • Reduce security breaches with pending patches
  • Improve patch management
  • Reduce open vulnerabilities

Research subscribers, please login to access this reportSubscribe now to access this report or purchase on-demand access.

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15 Pages
Most organizations struggle with the challenges of application and product development and delivery. Lifecycle virtualization fundamentally transforms the lifecycle and eliminates many of the common challenges faced by development and test teams. The stunning success of server virtualization technology in limiting server sprawl, reducing energy consumption, and lowering capital expenditures (CAPEX) raises the question—what can we virtualize next? The answer is almost anything and everything—especially in the lifecycle. Lifecycle virtualization and its associated technologies assist development, test, and operations teams in cutting the Gordian Knot of schedule, cost, and quality.

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25 Pages

Virtual lab management technology delivers immediate, measurable benefits and ROI. The ability to rapidly provision and deliver an environment for testing, development, sales, marketing, training, technical publications, support and other constituents in an organization enhances business alignment as it removes barriers and lowers costs, particularly capital expenditures (CAPEX).

Read this report to learn more about virtual lab technology and to help create a business case to justify the purchase.


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19 Pages
As the application lifecycle evolves, components that drive efficiency and quality become more crucial.  Organizations building centers of excellence (CoE) around performance testing find that the CoE centralizes resources and utilizes the full capabilities of today’s robust automation products. One of the main benefits is that organizations are able to consistently produce better performing applications. 

In a survey focused on rationales for building a performance CoE, the associated ROI, and success factors, we tested the hypothesis that more mature organizations have built more effective CoEs, are contributing to overall customer satisfaction, and are meeting or exceeding the goals of organizational service level agreements (SLAs).

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18 Pages
Software Production Management is a critical component in the creation and delivery of quality software and is a key ingredient in the ever evolving application lifecycle.  Highly optimized organizations are experiencing tremendous return on investment (ROI) by recognizing and treating Software Production Management as a critical component of the application lifecycle. In this Market Snapshot, we will examine the organization and how it benefits from Software Production Management, use models and the state of technology in the Software Production Management market.

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Presentation slides from the joint Borland/VMware webcast with Theresa Lanowitz from voke talking about what it takes to test and deliver applications that hit their mark using virtualization. And why getting the most out of virtualization depends on how seamlessly it can be integrated with your software testing processes.

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14 Pages
Virtualization is poised to become the defining technology of the 21st century. Virtual lab automation, a new use for virtualization in the application development and quality assurance organizations has made inroads to the pre-deployment side of the application lifecycle equation. In this Market SnapshotTM, we will examine the organization and its metamorphosis as virtual lab automation becomes more pervasive. We will also define the value and benefits of Virtual lab automation.

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Get first hand the latest industry study on the tangible benefits of adopting Virtual Lab Automation. Theresa Lanowitz, founder of Voke Inc. will elaborate on the findings from a recent field study.

Learn how your peers are:

  • Tackling infrastructure and process challenges associated with supporting the development and testing of complex applications and systems
  • Making the decision to adopt Virtual Lab Automation
  • Benefiting from the results of virtualizing and automating the test lab

Premium Content
36 Pages
Make no mistake, the application lifecycle market is real, in turmoil, and critical to the success of every enterprise - globally.  Without the products and solutions being offered in the application lifecycle market, enterprise IT organizations are relegated to technology controlling their destiny.  The practice of allowing technology to control the destiny of business is fraught with peril.  True focus on the application lifecycle and its integrated roles, responsibilities, and technology will continue to evolve and support the business. The application lifecycle ecosystem catalogs and analyzes the software suppliers in the market.  Use this document as a way to evaluate potential partners for your own application lifecycle ecosystem.  This document is virtual and updates are triggered by market events.  Suppliers to the ecosystem will be added on a regular basis. Version 1.5 continues to build out the Application Lifecycle Continuum with Empirix placed in the “Contender” position.

Premium Content
29 Pages
Make no mistake, the application lifecycle market is real, in turmoil, and critical to the success of every enterprise - globally.  Without the products and solutions being offered in the application lifecycle market, enterprise IT organizations are relegated to technology controlling their destiny.  The practice of allowing technology to control the destiny of business is fraught with peril.  True focus on the application lifecycle and its integrated roles, responsibilities, and technology will continue to evolve and support the business. The application lifecycle ecosystem catalogs and analyzes the software suppliers in the market.  Use this document as a way to evaluate potential partners for your own application lifecycle ecosystem.  This document is virtual and updates are triggered by market events.  Suppliers to the ecosystem will be added on a regular basis.

Tag Results for VMware — Podcasts

This week at VMWorld 2007 it was apparent that virtualization is moving up the stack and tool vendors proliferated.  Listen to voke principal analyst Theresa Lanowitz on this edition of "Week in Review."

SD Times chats with voke principal analyst Theresa Lanowitz about Microsoft's Silverlight and VMware's new playback capability on this edition of "Week in Review."

Tag Results for VMware — Blog

The big news today was the Citrix acquisition of open source virtualization company XenSource. I have commented many times in the past year about the future I think virtualization has and how it will be one of the defining technologies of the 21st century.

So, here is my philosophy on the acquisition….one if you are inclined to be a geek and another if you fancy yourself more of a business person. Either way, the net / net of this is virtualization is real and coming to an enterprise near you...

Retro is in – all hail to the 80’s! But in software?

I was fortunate to be in attendance as Microsoft kicked off its 15th annual TechEd conference in Orlando, FL with a “Back to the Future” spoof complete with an authentic DeLorean , a remarkably well preserved Christopher Lloyd and Microsoft's Bob Muglia transformed to Michael J. Fox complete with an authentic 80’s wardrobe and hair.

I had the pleasure and honor of participating in the inaugural podcast of “SD Times The Week In Review” with SD Times Editor-in-Chief David Rubinstein...

David Cassidy and puka shells, Donny Osmond and purple socks, or chocolate and peanut butter. OK, I am dating myself, but there are just some things that do go together. I spent the past 2 weeks realizing there is some truth to this concept, even in technology.

On April 25, 2007 I was honored to deliver the keynote address at the SQS Software Quality Conference in Dusseldorf, Germany. This is a major event in the software quality world, with attendees coming from around the European Union to hear about quality and exchange ideas with others. While preparing the content for my keynote, I had several conversations with SQS CEO, Rudolf van Megen. Mr. van Megen has a unique outlook on the quality market and its future direction. During our conversations he told me of the big push in the German market, specifically, to using offshore providers...

According to the Gregorian calendar, the December 21 equinox is rapidly approaching and consequently so is the end of the year 2006.

It seems fitting that as we phase out of our last 365 and in to our next 365 we should pause to remember the good and not so good. So, here is our interpretation of 2006...

Along with 7,000 others, I am attending VMWare’s third annual conference! Let me reiterate that number – seven thousand attendees at a conference in its third year!

VMWare is the new cool! The company is so cool they are not only creating industry changing technology, they are also helping in the global movement to conserve energy! ...
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The final (assuming the HP acquisition of Mercury closes) Mercury World was held in Las Vegas, Nevada the week of October 9, 2006. Captain Mercury had one last hurrah - I am sure many of you remember Captain Mercury, the superhero of load testing! ...

That is what HP (NYSE: HPQ) has ahead of themselves as they announce their bid of $52 per share or $4.5 billion to acquire Mercury Interactive Corporation (OTC: MERQ)...

Tag Results for VMware — News

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Tag Results for VMware — Press Releases

Tag Results for VMware — Industry Press Releases

Tag Results for VMware — Event Calendar

San Francisco, CA

In this joint Borland/VMware webcast, Theresa Lanowitz from voke will talk about what it takes to test and deliver applications that hit their mark using virtualization. And why getting the most out of virtualization depends on how seamlessly it can be integrated with your software testing processes.


San Francisco, CA
September 11-13, 2007

Get first hand the latest industry study on the tangible benefits of adopting Virtual Lab Automation. Theresa Lanowitz, founder of Voke Inc. will elaborate on the findings from a recent field study.

Learn how your peers are:

  • Tackling infrastructure and process challenges associated with supporting the development and testing of complex applications and systems
  • Making the decision to adopt Virtual Lab Automation
  • Benefiting from the results of virtualizing and automating the test lab

Los Angeles, CA
November 7-9, 2006

Tag Results for VMware — Recognition

Upgrade your membership to read how VMware vCenter Manager virtualizes software development labs.