Tag Results for Service Levels — Insight

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8 Pages

Major transformations of the enterprise IT organizations are underway. For competitive and successful enterprises, IT is an integral part of the business and is treated as such. Factors such as globalization, time-to-market and convergence are the driving forces to bring IT organizations back from the fringe of existence.

Here we examine the trends, emerging technology needs, and processes that are facilitating this necessary and timely transformation.

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3 Pages
Today’s IT model is flawed – the organization and management structure has not evolved to meet the demands of the 21st century.  The enterprise IT organization of the future must be more focused on the business and satisfying the customer rather than tactical projects and the most recent technology.  By 2010, enterprise IT organizations will have finally figured out what the model should look like to take advantage of a global environment where collaboration is essential.  In this vokeStream Future Watch, we identify some of the issues enterprise IT management and organizations must be aware of and address to satisfy their business customers.  Moving the model from a decidedly silo based organization to one that is customer focused for the 21st century is the ultimate goal for enterprise IT organizations to achieve.

Tag Results for Service Levels — Reports

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19 Pages
As the application lifecycle evolves, components that drive efficiency and quality become more crucial.  Organizations building centers of excellence (CoE) around performance testing find that the CoE centralizes resources and utilizes the full capabilities of today’s robust automation products. One of the main benefits is that organizations are able to consistently produce better performing applications. 

In a survey focused on rationales for building a performance CoE, the associated ROI, and success factors, we tested the hypothesis that more mature organizations have built more effective CoEs, are contributing to overall customer satisfaction, and are meeting or exceeding the goals of organizational service level agreements (SLAs).

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Multi-Core Quality webinar presentation slides presented by Theresa Lanowitz. Theresa will discuss the increasing trend toward multi-core environments and the critical need for implementing effective tools and processes early in the development lifecycle.

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18 Pages
Software Production Management is a critical component in the creation and delivery of quality software and is a key ingredient in the ever evolving application lifecycle.  Highly optimized organizations are experiencing tremendous return on investment (ROI) by recognizing and treating Software Production Management as a critical component of the application lifecycle. In this Market Snapshot, we will examine the organization and how it benefits from Software Production Management, use models and the state of technology in the Software Production Management market.

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20 Pages
Service providers and network equipment manufacturers are adding automation to their pre-production testing process for a combination of reasons: improved test coverage, accelerated time-to-market for products or services, reduced capital and operational expense, optimized equipment use, reduced training time, greater test collaboration, reduced test backlog, and reuse. All of these automation drivers are intertwined and focus on delivering better quality to the customer. This Market Snapshot will focus on the need for test automation of networks and connected devices, identify a path to automation adoption and provide an overview of where the market is with respect to the right processes, technical skills and technology.

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12 Pages
The message of "it's more than tools"has been prevalent for quite some time.Most enterprises and softwaresuppliers, however, remained steadfastin their focus on technology. In an erawhere expenditure, return oninvestment and customer satisfactionare paramount, a much greaterimportance is now being placed onoverall IT lifecycle management (ITLM).In this Executive Brief, we examine whyITLM should be a guiding principal forenterprise IT, and offer practical adviceon ITLM strategy and adoption.

Tag Results for Service Levels — Blog

I recently had the pleasure of delivering the keynote presentation at the Software Quality Systems (SQS) conference in Zurich. SQS is always an excellent and gracious host at their conferences...

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