Tag Results for Mercury — Insight

Premium Content
2 Pages
The HP acquisition of SPI Dynamics is a long awaited first indication that signals HP may actually understand the importance of the application testing business acquired via Mercury. This is an important acknowledgement of the testing customer base by HP, a base previously overlooked in HP’s plans for the former Mercury.

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3 Pages
The acquisition of Mercury by HP is completed.  The industry has lost an independent software company to a mega-vendor.  It is unclear to the market what HP’s intentions are for the Mercury product line.  In a highly competitive enterprise software application lifecycle market, HP does not have the luxury of time to slowly reveal their plans for the Mercury product line.  

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2 Pages
Read the first industry analysis of HP’s acquisition of Mercury.  Given the purchase price is astronomically high one has to wonder what other companies were in the bidding war for Mercury and is Compuware the next independent software company to fall?

Tag Results for Mercury — Reports

Premium Content
36 Pages
Make no mistake, the application lifecycle market is real, in turmoil, and critical to the success of every enterprise - globally.  Without the products and solutions being offered in the application lifecycle market, enterprise IT organizations are relegated to technology controlling their destiny.  The practice of allowing technology to control the destiny of business is fraught with peril.  True focus on the application lifecycle and its integrated roles, responsibilities, and technology will continue to evolve and support the business. The application lifecycle ecosystem catalogs and analyzes the software suppliers in the market.  Use this document as a way to evaluate potential partners for your own application lifecycle ecosystem.  This document is virtual and updates are triggered by market events.  Suppliers to the ecosystem will be added on a regular basis. Version 1.5 continues to build out the Application Lifecycle Continuum with Empirix placed in the “Contender” position.

Premium Content
29 Pages
Make no mistake, the application lifecycle market is real, in turmoil, and critical to the success of every enterprise - globally.  Without the products and solutions being offered in the application lifecycle market, enterprise IT organizations are relegated to technology controlling their destiny.  The practice of allowing technology to control the destiny of business is fraught with peril.  True focus on the application lifecycle and its integrated roles, responsibilities, and technology will continue to evolve and support the business. The application lifecycle ecosystem catalogs and analyzes the software suppliers in the market.  Use this document as a way to evaluate potential partners for your own application lifecycle ecosystem.  This document is virtual and updates are triggered by market events.  Suppliers to the ecosystem will be added on a regular basis.

Premium Content
9 Pages
This analysis is provided as historical reference for Mercury.  The analysis was conducted prior to the announcement of HP’s intent to acquire Mercury.  Please see the voke First Impressions analysis of the acquisition announcement.  The Mercury segment of the Application Lifecycle Ecosystem will be updated once the intended HP acquisition is completed. 

Tag Results for Mercury — Blog

According to the Gregorian calendar, the December 21 equinox is rapidly approaching and consequently so is the end of the year 2006.

It seems fitting that as we phase out of our last 365 and in to our next 365 we should pause to remember the good and not so good. So, here is our interpretation of 2006...

Since I am in Los Angeles this week, I am in a Dragnet kind of a mood, and as Sgt. Joe Friday would say – “All we know are the facts, ma'am"

The facts are:
• The HP acquisition of Mercury is completed
• The cost to HP $4.5 billion in cash
• The acquisition was announced on July 25, 2006
• The acquisition was closed on November 7, 2006

All we know are the facts – all we know for certain...

The final (assuming the HP acquisition of Mercury closes) Mercury World was held in Las Vegas, Nevada the week of October 9, 2006. Captain Mercury had one last hurrah - I am sure many of you remember Captain Mercury, the superhero of load testing! ...

That is what HP (NYSE: HPQ) has ahead of themselves as they announce their bid of $52 per share or $4.5 billion to acquire Mercury Interactive Corporation (OTC: MERQ)...

Tag Results for Mercury — News

Tag Results for Mercury — Press Releases

Tag Results for Mercury — Event Calendar

Las Vegas, NV
October 8-11, 2006 

Tag Results for Mercury — Recognition


Hewlett-Packard (HP) is in the Pivotal band of the voke Market Mover Array chart. HP’s position shows it is strong in both market leadership and technology. HP has continued to show progress and commitment to the application lifecycle market through its acquisition and partnering strategies. HP’s acquisition of Mercury in November 2006 has allowed the vendor to catapult its application lifecycle status to a higher level. The Mercury acquisition with market leading quality assurance offerings gave HP a core competency to work with as the vendor navigated the application lifecycle path.

HP is working to prove itself as an enterprise-worthy partner in the application lifecycle market. Its partnerships and acquisitions have proven to be strategic over the past 24 months. Watch for HP to deliver more value through organic growth of its offerings.